We’re delighted and proud to report that we’ve been awarded “Tanzania’s Best Responsible Tour Operator” for the second year running!
We’d like to thank all our guests and agents for valuing sustainability and choosing a better way to travel in Tanzania. If it weren’t for you, sustainability simply wouldn’t be sustainable!

Nature Discovery Team receiving Tanzania’s 2019 Best Responsible Tour Operator Award
Since our recognition in 2018 by Responsible Tourism Tanzania (a UN-sponsored organization), we have pushed even harder to assess and innovate responsible practices. Last year’s award gave us the opportunity to share our success story in Geneva at the World Economic Forum.
We’ve implemented even more responsible protocols to improve life in our community and our environment. We’ve seen an increase in our business, and our guests are attracted to using our services because they know we are dedicated to sustainability.
We are encouraged to continue and deepen our commitments to maintain and develop our leadership in sustainable and responsible tourism. We are dedicated to raising the bar in terms of further development of responsible practices, both in our own company and in the Tanzanian tourism industry.
All this is evident in our company protocols, and in the experienced, professional and passionate team of managers and employees who value the objectives and see the purpose and integrity of our tourism product.
We couldn’t have done this alone, so we need to thank our partners in sustainability;
TRAVELIFE – Travelife ties together all the principles and best practices we’re learned over the years. Talking about sustainability is good, but practising a broad range of responsible tourism protocols and actions is the real deal, and thanks to Travelife, it’s possible.
LEAVE NO TRACE – The LNT workshops which our guides and management team regularly attend have taught us practical techniques that build respect for the environment.
SOI (Sentinel Outdoor Institute) – This organization has trained and certified our guide and management team to be outdoor leaders and Wilderness First Responders. They’ve been our LNT instructors, and have instilled a quiet confidence in our gait.
CARBON TANZANIA – We’re incredibly lucky to have a local outfit who offsets our carbon impact so close to home. This organization is creating significant tangible positive impacts in Tanzania, and promotes responsible resource use amongst the tourism industry.
KPAP (The Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project) – KPAP is and has been the most positive influential force in shaping our Kilimanjaro business over the last ten years. They have helped to change the way business is done on Kilimanjaro, and as a merit-based organization they have set the standards for how porters are treated.
We’re also named the Best Kilimanjaro Guide Company in TrailBlazer Guides. Read more here..