Your guides are the backbone of your journey up Kilimanjaro. That’s why we make sure that every single guide holds a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification.

Having witnessed a wide variety of challenges on Kilimanjaro, we understand the importance of guides who can detect warning signs early and are equipped to handle any situation. The WFR certification serves as tangible proof of their preparedness.

Wilderness First Responder Certification

Understanding the Wilderness First Responder Certification

The WFR certification stands as the pinnacle of guide training on Kilimanjaro, recognized internationally as the gold standard in outdoor emergency medical care. Awarded by the Sentinel Outdoor Institute, this certification entails rigorous training encompassing an 80-hour course along with written and practical exams, necessitating renewal every two years.

This certification validates that our guides have undergone comprehensive training to use emergency medical equipment, identify and address injuries, facilitate the transportation of injured individuals, and navigate wilderness emergencies with limited resources.

Kilimanjaro First Responder Training

Kilimanjaro First Responder Training

Safety briefing

The Importance of Entire Guide Teams Being WFR Certified

Distinguishing ourselves from many other companies, we mandate that all guides possess WFR certification. While some companies may rely solely on one WFR-certified guide per trek, or worse, none at all, we believe such practices pose significant risks. Even having just one WFR-certified guide is insufficient.

Consider a scenario where a member of your trekking team requires descent from the mountain. With only one WFR-certified guide present, who accompanies the trekker? Such a situation forces one party to proceed without the guidance of a properly trained wilderness medic, jeopardizing safety. We refuse to subject any Kilimanjaro trekker to such predicaments.

Going Above and Beyond WFR Certification

At Nature Discovery, our guides boast additional qualifications:

Head guides have unparalleled familiarity with Kilimanjaro’s terrain, weather patterns, camps, and diverse trekker profiles, which ensures a superior trekking experience.

Guides are adept in handling specialty equipment, including high-altitude safety gear like automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and portable hyperbaric bags. Extensive training enables them to administer oxygen, construct hypothermia wraps, and utilize a unique rigid stretcher for evacuations, unparalleled on Kilimanjaro.

Safety Training

Adhering to tested procedures and strategies, our guides implement meticulous measures such as regular pulse and blood oxygen level assessments to inform trekking decisions, ensuring optimal safety and comfort for all participants.

With Nature Discovery, you’re assured of embarking on Kilimanjaro treks led by the finest guides, supported by a proven approach that has successfully guided countless trekkers to the Roof of Africa.

The Safest Kilimanjaro Experience

Our thorough mountain safety approach incorporates professionally trained and certified guides alongside modern safety equipment. This proactive strategy aims to prevent illness and injury while ensuring preparedness to respond to emergencies with the highest level of training and care available.

Kilimanjaro Safety Gear

Find out more about our Nature Discovery’s Safety Standards